Language Corner

All i Oli
-Garlics as the quantity and the itching that you want to have, at least a grain of garlic.
Olive oil 0.4
Eggs (white or yeast)

First it is necessary to peel the grains of garlic, And put them within in the mortar. Add a little sal and hammer everything. Once hammered, go on adding a thread’of oil and go stirring constantly and without switching direction to achieve that it grows.


Ingredients for 12 people:
1 kg of rice
4-5 liters of fish broth
1 kg of cuttlefish or squid chopped
1 kg of peeled shrimp tails
5 tomatoes, chopped
1 onion,chopped
2 cloves of garlic
sweet paprika and saffron
Olive oil

Cook the vegetables with a little olive oil , add the small fish and fill the pot with water. Let it cook for 20-25 minutes. Let it stand, strain with Chinese strainer and reserve. Rice: Get the corresponding amount of oil, fry the cuttlefish or chopped squid , (in the case of seasonal vegetables fry them before the cuttlefish or squid) Add the onion, tomato and garlic. Fry. Add the paprika and saffron. Then fry the rice and set aside until the broth is put .15 min. before the the dish is finished pour the broth, cook 8 minutes athigh heat, and finish it over medium heat. During the last 8 minutes you add the peeled prawns, molluscs in the case and if we put one more piece of fish. The shape of the rice we work this would be for any type of rice mariner; you change the ingredients of vegetables and fish and ... ready.


150g of rice for person
a glass of wather for person
a banana for person
a egg for person
olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
finely chopped parsley
6 tablespoons flour
one glas of tomato fried

In a saucepan put 1 cup of water per guest with a little oil, garlic clove, a sprig of parsley and salt. When it starts to boil add the rice and leave it for fifteen minutes, cooking time will depend on the type of rice, stirring occasionally to keep evenly. Once the rice, which should not be hard but also made a paste, and rinse snuck slightly and let drain. Now prepare the egg fried in a nonstick skillet with an inch of oil. When sizzling pour the egg to be had cracked into a cup. With the skimmer be pouring oil on top. When the egg is loose and floating in the pan, remove with slotted spoon, leaving about to serve. It should salar eggs after removal from the oil, as this jump and could burn. Serve adding the tomato sauce.

Arros a banda


1 kg the fish.
1 Onion.
1 Spoonful of Pepper.
1 Garlic.
1 Spoonful of tomato puree.
500 grs the rice.
1,5 L of water,salt and oil.


In a pot with water put all the fish, peeled and chopped onion, bay leaf and some salt. Bring it to boil and cook for about 20 minutes.
Strain, reserving the borth and the fish away. There should be 1 liter of broth.
Prepare a minced garlic clove, salt and saffron roasted. Dilute with little broth Place a fire pan, pour oil and when it's hot add the tomato puree, the chopped and the papper, stir amd cook slowly for 3 o 4 minutes.
Add rice and mix well to soak the suace . Pour the hot broth, cook over high heat about 15 more over low heat. Check the salt. Remove from heat, let stand 5 minutes and serve in the same pan.

Arros negre


350 grs sepia with its ink bag.
300 grs squid.
2 dl white wine.
1 Garlic.
1 Onion.
400 grs rice.
2 Spoonful salt and oil.


In a pot slowly fry the garlic and bay leaf in olive oil. When the garlic is lightly browned, remove the bay leaves and chop. Reduce heat and add the cuttlefish and squid pieces and clean and ink of both. When it's coll, pour a tablespoon of warm wihite wine. After a few minutes, add the bay leaves and let it reduce ground uncovered. Place a pan into the fire, pour oil and add the onion finely chopped until transparent. Add rice and stir constantily while frying a little. Pour the wine and allow to vaporize, adding a little nore than half the fish stock. Cook for about 10 minutes. Add the remaining broth as well as cuttlefish and squid in its ink and fired. Check the salt and cook for 10-15 minutes until rice is tender
Anguila en suc
3 grains of garlic
1kg of clean eels
1 spoonful of flour
1 spoonful of red pepper
1 leaf of laurel
2 streaky tomatoes
1 glass of white wine
Fry in oil the garlic, parsley and tomatoes. When it is cooked add the red pepper and the flour, and stir it. Pour white wine add water and when it starts to boil, put the eels cut in pieces and previously salty. Try to add the water do not cover them un its entirety.Leave them boil. To know if the eel is at the point, the bone has to go out whole.

Truita de patata (omelette)
Ingredients(one person):
2 eggs of chicken
2 potato (150 gr each one)
1 onion
Oil of olive
Cut the onion into small pieces and cut the potato. Fry it with olive oil and when the potatoes are baked and half golden, take them out. Beat the eggs and leave them to wait with the potatoes for one minute and add the salt. Put everything into the paella with a little of oil and we have to wait until one side is ready. Put a big dish on the paella and turn down the paella so that the omelette is on the dish. Put the omelette again into the paella and finish to bake it moving the paella from time to time.


Ingredients for six people

500G of rice

250G of king prawn ,

small onion chopped 1/2 UNIT

red pepper cut in strips 1/2 unit

hearts of artichoke cut in four units

stew 100G

garlic cloves

safffron 8 or 10 herbs

salt to taste

1KG of mussels

squid 2 UNITS

green pepper chopped 1/2 UNIT

ripe tomato PICADA 2 UNITS

chikenn little chopped 1/2 UNIt


olive oil 12 spoons

Clean the mussels and put them in a saucepan with 1 cup of water until they open . Strain the broth and reserve both. Peel the prawns and cook the heads and shells in 2 cups water and salt for 10 minutes, strain and reserve the broth. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a saucepan and add the chopped garlic and until it's golden brown, add the chopped peppers and clean them, saffron and parsley. Keep on fire every 1-2 minutes and crush in a mortar until a compact paste. Heat the remaining oil in the pan and fry the chicken with salt until it's lightly browned. Add the onion and when it's transparent, add the squid cleaned and cut, and vegetables. Stir and keep the heat until the tomato begins to turn dark. Add rice, a few laps and add the broth of the mussels and shrimp heads, with the paste prepared. (The broth should be twice the volume of rice). If the broth of mussels and prawns are not enough, add some water or broth. Cook over high heat about 10 minutes, add the mussels without shells, reserving some for garnish and peeled prawns. Continue cooking about for 5-6 minutes over low heat. Cover with a cloth and let stand for 5 minutes.

400 gr of vermicelli ( 100 gr of person)
1 big cuttlefish
½ of peeled king prawn
1L of broth of fish
1 garlic
1 streaky tomato
1 onion
a little of sugar
We put oil at slow fire into the paella and we throw an entire garlic. Once the garlic is fried, take it out and with very hot oil throw the vermicelli into the paella. Then we mix everything until all the ingredients remain blond. Once it is done take them out of the fire and reserve them. On other band ,we take the paella to do the fideuà and do a sofregit with the onion and the tomato. We put salt and sugar ( to take out the acidity of the tomato). Once the sofregit is done, add the sepia cut it into pieces leave it stew some minutes stir it all and add the king prawn. When it is all cooked add the vermicelli that we had aside. We mix everything and throw the stock of fish . Lower the fire and wait until the vermicelli absorb the broth of fish. While there is juice, put the paella into the oven to grate for two or three minutes in order that the vermicelli put dry and right.

Arròs, col i fesols

1/2 pork chops.
A piece of beef.
A piece of bacon.
2 bones of beef.
200 grs of green beans.
400 grs of rice.
2 carrots.
Onion and tomato.
Oil,Salt and coloring.
4 rice sausages.


In a pot with cold water put all the meat(except the sausages) and beans that have been soaked overnight. Add a pair of carrots and a celery leaves to give it more flavor to the broth. We cook everything for two hours.
Meanwhile make a sauce with some onion and tomato. Add the chopped cabbage and leave it to cook all together.
Incorporate the sauce to the pot then throw the rice. Add a little of saffron or coloring. With just a few minutes the rice is cooked incorporate the sausages into the rice.



1,5 kg of flour
1kg of sugar
6 yolks and 2 whites egg
1 kg of  butter
¼ kg grinding almond
Olive oil
In a bowl we mix eggs, butter, sugar and almonds. Add the flour until the dough has consistency. Take a piece of flattened dough and leaving 2cms of thickness. Take the molds of different shapes put over the pulp is removed and ensuring that “corasson” does not break.

2 eggs
1/4 of milk 
2 sponfulls of sugar
grated of lemon

One hand beat the eggs, the milk and the grated lemon. On the hand put the sugar in a mould and burn it. Them, throw it the mixture cover it and bake it in a truy with water under it for an hour and halt 



3 eggs
1 cup of oil
3 cups of water
50g of yeast
1 cup of honey
1 spoonful “Matafaluga”


Mix the eggs,oil,water,flour,yeast and “matafaluga”. When it's well mixed add the honey then knead the dough and let it sit. Then pull the mixture tray throw a littel oil and sugar above. Put it into then oven to bake at 180 *C.

Còc de la besàvia

In gredients:

12 eggs
1kg of sugar
1/2 of the anisa
one glass of milk
a glas of mistela
5 gas


Take a bowl and add the eggs, sugar, take it out and when it is ready you throw on top a tittle bit of mistela and honey all mixed up. Take a bowl and add the eggs, sugar (less than 50g to keep it untilthe end ), oil and mix all togheder with a glass of milk and a half of each of the five fizzy papes. Beat every things until it is well mixed. After,throw the flour, toguether with other 5 halves of fizzy papir. While you go mix, add flour until the dough is ready . When the dough is very soft put it in the oven.

Ametlles garapinyades


1/2 kg of almonds
1/2 kg of sugar
1/2 L of water


Throw the ingredients in te frying pan and you put to slow stove. You stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar is dry, then take the frying pan out of the stove and stir. Afterwards put to slow stove again and when it begins to be the sugar and the almonds then it is ready and you can them take out.
2kg of flour
300g of sugar
200g of butter
10 eggs
160g of water
Mix the ingredients and leave it aside for some minutes. Cut the 500g into pieces and it from of a ball. Them it aside for some minutes . After pull the dought with a rolling pin. Paint it with an egg and decorate with pine nuts and candidet fruit. Then put it into the oven until it is baked.

-250 cl of oil
-Grated lemon
-200g of sugar
-1/2 kg of flour


Met the oil and sugar. Next add the grated of lemon, flour and makes and almons. You stir it remain one kneads had the mass withe rolling pin and cut in peces kneads it give. Straighten all followed put them to them shape of “ coca “ and do them a pinchin between the oven during 20 minuts.

Coquetes de sagí

¼ L of oil
500g of ‘’sagí’’
500g of sugar
A bunch of almond
5 yolks of eggs
1 egg
1 white of egg
2 packages of baking powder
Grated lemon rind
In a bowl, put oil, ‘’sagí’’, sugar ang yolk of the eggs. Mix the ingredients and add the grated of lemon. Add the flour until the mass remain tied. Then,stir it and with moulds give him shape. Then, put the ‘’coquetes’’ in a tin, Paint them with the white of egg sweetened and put it into the oven until they are golden.
Menjar Blanc

1L of milk
100g of rice flour
300g of sugar
Lemon peal
A cinnamon branck


Boil of milk with lemon peal, a cinnamon branck and sugar. Apart from it with littel of fresh milk melt the flour. Remove the cinnamon and peal of lemon of fire. Then add the mixture prepared previously and mix well so that no lumps. When the texture has properly put in jars and let it fresh. Sprinkle some cinnamon an top.

Llacets de pasta de mona
¼ of warm milk
2 or 3 eggs
50g of yeast
1 cup of oil
1 cup of oil
1 pumpkin jam
1 egg beaten

Throw the yeast in the milk to mel tit. Them, add the sugar, eggs and oil. When it is well mashed, you level the dough with rolling pin give them small square shape and add pumpking jam in the center. Join the two opposite tips and give them bow shape. Paint it using the beaten egg. Bake them in the oven and when them are brown you can take them out.

Cóc  borratxo
6 eggs
¼ L of milk
1 baking powder
Lemon juice
½ kg of sugar
100g of nuts
¼ of brandy
400g of flour

You put in a bowl milk, the yolk, 400g of sugar, the lemon juice, the baking powder and flour and mix them.. In another bowl beat the yolk with the eggs white until it stiffs.Add it to the previous mixture. Throw the pinions and one little of sugar over the mass. Afterwards, you put the mass into the oven at some 180ºC. Burn the brandy and put some sugar on when the cake has been baked.

Apple Pie
4 eggs
400g of flour
400g of sugar
1 royal
1/4 milk and oil
1/4 anise and siphon
1 grated lemon
Wine sap apples

You mix all the ingrendients except the apples. When the dough is homogenic put in on a tray. Cut the apples and put them into the dough. Put the tray into the oven to bake. When it is baked  you take it out
One glass of milk
Two eggs
250 g of flour
Beat the eggs and all followed you throw the milk and the flour. Stir it until it is soft. Afterwords you put with oli on the couver and when it is hot the borraines. Dip them in the pastry and put them in the pan to try them. Once done, to serve them you can seanson them with honey or sugar.


1kg of almonds
1kg of sugar
6 eggs
600g of sweet potato
1 grated lemon
 Swetened fruit
Mix the almonds grind, sugar, eggs, sweet potato and the grated lemon. Knead it everything good them take small pieces and do small balls. Before putting them in to the oven, you can decorate them with nuts or swetened fruit. Paint the panellets with beaten eggs and now put them into the oven. When they are already gidded you can take them out.

Cóc Ràpid


Four eggs
Four fizzy papers
One glass of milk
1/2 glass of oil
Grated lemon peel
400 g of flour
400 g of sugar


Beat the eggs wish the eggs white unhl it stiffs add oil, milk, sugar, flour and lemon peeled. Next put the tizzy papers , and put it to the oven 150 degrees during about 35 minutes


  Sant Blai Coquetes


-2 eggs
-200g of butter
-250g of sugar
-2 fizzy envelopes
-1 grated lemon peel


Mix and knead all the ingrendients, adding flour as required until the pastry takes consistency. Take pieces of pastry and give them the shape round and draw a cross on them  . Put them into the  oven when you remove them sprinkle sugar on top.


Egg cakes


12 eggs


12 spooons of sugar

1 glass of anise 




Separate the egg whites from egg yolks. Beat the egg whites  until stiff in a recipient and then, add the suggar and egg yolks. When it is well mixed , add the necessary anisse and flour . Let stand the paste during one hour.
When the pasta is ready, make cakes doughnut-shaped, cover  them in beaten egg  and litter. Put the oven to warm and when they are well done, let it cool.


These cakes are typical of Easter.


Pastissets Recipe 
Flour (2,5 Kg)
Oil (0,75 L)
Water (1 glass)
Moscatell (0,25 L, sweet wine)
Cabell d’angel (special jam)


Put in a big bowl some oil, moscatell and water. After you add the flour, then you stir everything and mash it. When all is ready and smart, take a portion and extend it do it with a glass. Then put some cabell d’angel on between and fold it in shape of half moon, and, when they are all done put them into the oven ( 200%) until they are baked. Take them out of the oven put them on a tray and eat them when they are not too hot

Bunyols de vent


2 eggs
2 Cups of milk
2 cups of flour
1 cup of anise
2 fizzy envelopes
grated lemon peel


Separate the eggs white from the yolks and whisk the eggs white until stiff. Then, add the yolk, the sugar, the flour, anise, the grated lemon peel and the fizzy envelopes. Mix them all until it is one a light knead. Take a pan with oil and when it is very hot, incorporate a spoon of pastry. When the bunyols are fried, throw sugar over them.


The “paracotes” are traditional sweets elaborated with dry figs covered with honey and fried with flour.
1 egg  
1grated lemon
3 spoons of sugar
½ kg of flour
½ litre siphon approximately
Dry figs
Sunflower  or olive Oil .
Stir the egg with the sugar and the grated lemon. Add a small glass of anise and the flour. Then pour the siphon ans stir until it gets soft. Add the dry figs.Put  a lot of oil in a saucepan and when it is very hot fry the figs. When they are a bit brown take them out and put them on a dish and add some sugar and honey on them and they are ready to eat. Be careful not to burn your mouth!!!

They are usually eaten on 5th of January that is when the Three Wise Men come.


The Carrilet of la Cava

 A song about a train that disappeared in 1967 and thirty-eight years later he joined the people  from the Ebre Lands .

The Carrilet from La Cava
It stopped many years ago
because cars and bikes
did not allow it to earn bread,
but I that am always thinking
of friends that have done me good,
I would sing with affection
To make it know
Of  carrilet from  La Cava
I will always remember.

Oh, carrilet,
when slowly advanced,
What hope,
when I was waiting for my parents
oh your whistle
we want to hear it again.
The Bank,
because we can’t forget you.

Bicycles, smuggling,
civil guards and students
sacks of rice, many farmers
and groups from Valencia,
pregnant women, sick people
on their forties and pain
chickens baskets,
ducks and some capons,
and  aubergínies and tomatoes
to give the lords.

The young people were on the coast
and women in the market
the men when paid the water
or to speak to a lawyer
and at around noon
lunch at Casa Verdal,
and in the afternoon back home
Back to the boiled rice,
porridge or recapte
xapadillos and roasts.

Lo carrilet

Lo carrilet de la Cava
fa uns quants anys que va plegar
perquè els autos i les motos
no el deixaven guanyar el pa,
però jo, que sempre penso
en los amics que m'han fet bé,
en carinyo  jo li canto
per poder donar a saber
del carrilet de la Cava
sempre me'n recordaré.

Ai, carrilet,
quan poc a poc avançaves,
quina il·lusió,
quan esperava mons pares,
lo teu xiulet
volem tornar-lo a escoltar.
A la Ribera,
ja no et podrem oblidar.

Bicicletes, estraperlo,
Guardia civils i estudiants,
sacs d'arròs, molts de pagesos
i colles de valencians,
embarassades, gent malalta
de quartana i de dolor,
i cistelles en pollastres,
alguna àdena i capons,
i aubergínies i tomates
per a regalar als sinyors.

Los jóvens van a la costa
i les dones al mercat,
los hòmens a pagar l'aigua
o a parlar a algun advocat
i a les voltes del migdia
a dinar a Casa Verdal,
i a la tarda cap a casa
a tornar a l'arròs bullit,
farinetes o recapte
i xapadillos rostits.


De Roquetes vinc, de Roquetes baixo.


I come from Roquetes; I come from Roquetes, I arrive from Roquetes Pins, pins, hooked pins. 
Come outside immediately, Cinteta,come immediately to the balcony,if you do not want me to make into pieces
the strings of the guitar,if you do not want me to make into pieces
the strings of the guitar.
And we have come to your door
four hundred in a gang.
If you want us to sing,
take out four hundred chairs,
if you want us to sing,
take out four hundred chairs
From the Delta to Port
the men are lucky,
because the women here in the Ebro
are clever pretty and good,
because the women here in the Ebro
are clever, and pretty good.

And for those who listen to us
we wish them best:
that are well filled with love
and  free from disease.
We are the heart chamber Tyrichae
Raul Martinez and the teacher.

The Jota Jota  light hook,
not throw it to you if you are going on.
Of all glories and bad-spoken people
we wish you bad and God forbid their bite
Oh how often, how often,
oh  when sun rises!
Oh how we would dance
if there was guitar!
When you marry
you will know what is good,
if you marry
you  will make​​your fortune!

Lift up the flap, chicks,
chicken you won't pek me
that Mrs. Pepeta
will marry Johnny.
She'll marry Johnny,
she'll marry Johnny.
Lift up the flap, chicks,
and chicken don't pek me

Oh come, oh come,
oh come  come from Roquetes.
Prick, prick,
pins prick.
From Roquetes come, I come from Roquetas, I arrive from Roquetes
Pins, pins, hooked  pins.
The Jota Jota light hook.
Oh when the sun rises ...


De Roquetes vinc, de Roquetes vinc, de Roquetes baixo.
Agulles de cap, agulles de cap, agulles de ganxo. (Bis)
Sur de seguida, Cinteta,
surt de seguida al balcó,
si no vols que face a trossos
les cordes del guitarró,
si no vols que face a trossos
les cordes del guitarró.

Y a tu puerta hemos llegado
cuatrosientos en cuadrilla.
Si quieres que te cantemos,
saca cuatrosientas sillas,
si quieres que te cantemos,
saca cuatrosientas sillas.

Des del Delta fins al Port,
los hòmens estan de sort,
perquè aquí a l'Ebre les dones
són llestes, guapes i bones,
perquè aquí a l'Ebre les dones
són llestes, guapes i bones.
Ia vostès que mos escolten
los desitgem lo millor:
que es queden ben plens d'amor
i lliures de malalties.

Som lo cor de cambra Tyrichae
i el mestre Raül Martínez.
A la jota jota del ganxo de llum,
que si no t'apartes te'l tiro damunt.
De les allevances i dels malparlats
i dels maltequiero que Déu mos ne guard.

Ai quin sol, quin sol, 
ai quin sol, saleró!
Ai com ballaríem
si hi hagués guitarró!
Quan te casaràs
sabràs lo que és bo,
si al casar ho encertes
ja tens feta la sort!

Alça l’aleta, polleta,
no em picaràs pollastret,
que la senyora Pepeta
se casarà amb Joanet.
Se casarà amb Joanet,
se casarà amb Joanet.
Alça l’aleta, polleta,
no em picaràs pollastret.
Ai vinc, ai vinc,
ai vinc de Roquetes vinc.
Punxen, punxen,
les agulletes de cap.

De Roquetes vinc, de Roquetes vinc, de Roquetes baixo.
Agulles de cap, agulles de cap, agulles de ganxo. (Bis)
A la jota jota del ganxo de llum…
Ai quin sol, saleró…


Gent de Xerta, alerta. 

"Diuen que en una reunió on hi havia un gran nombre de xertolins va apagar sobtadament la llum i tots  van fer de les seves. En tornar a casa, ningú portava la seva bossa de diners, perquè cadascun havia robat la del veí.
Be careful people of Xerta.
People say that at a meeting where there were a lot of people from Xerta.  They suddenly turn off the light and everyone made whatever they wanted. When they came back home, anyone had their money bag, because everyone had stolen their neighbors.

.La gent de Paüls són una canalla que té Sant Roc lligat per la cama.

Els pobles de Paüls i Prat de Comte tenen per patró Sant Roc. Tots dos van encarregar una imatge a un mateix imatger, en una mateixa ocasió, i, encara de voler-la tots dos igual, l'imatger va fer més bonica la de Paüls. Els de Prat de Comte van jurar que una nit anirien a aquell poble i la hi robarien. Per evitar el robatori, segons veu popular els paülencs tenen la imatge lligada per una cama. Els de Paüls ho neguen i diuen els de Prat de Comte, i referint-se també a sant Roc, una altra dita.


People from Paüls and Prat of Comte have as their patron saint St. Roc. Both commissioned a statue to the same sculpture, in the same time, and , although both wanted the same statue, the sculpture made better the statue of Paüls than the statue from Prat. The people from the Prat of Comte swore that one night they will go from that town and they will steal it. To prevent the theft, according to the people from Prat, Paüls villagers have the statue bound by a leg. People from Paüls deny it and say that people from Prat have the best one.

The legend of Saint George.
 Once upon a time in 303, there was a little town named Montblanc, there was a King that had a daughter who was beautiful.
There was a dragon in a mountain near the town. One day this dragon started to eat all the animals in the town. One day the dragon ate all the animals in the town.
The king was concerned because he wanted to look for a solution for the dragon not to eat all the people. The king found a solution, every day the town met in the central square to draw the person that would go to the dragon and be eaten by it.
One day, the princess was the chosen one. The king was sad because she was the only descendent that he had. The princess told him that she wanted to go because the draw said so.
The princess went to the cave of the dragon. She was very scared. When she was about to be eaten, it appeared Saint George with his white horse.
Saint George killed the dragon with his lance. From the blood of the dragon there appeared a lot of roses and Saint George gave a rose to the princess.
The End
Hi havia una vegada l'any 303, hi havia un petit poble anomenat Montblanc.
Hi havia un rei que tenia una filla que era molt bonica.
 En una muntanya prop del poble hi vivia un drac molt dolent. Un dia, aquest drac va començar a menjar tots els animals del poble . Finalment el drac es va menjar tots el animals.
El rei estava preocupat perquè volia buscar una solució perquè el drac no es menges  tot el poble. El rei va trobar una solució, cada dia el poble es reunia a la plaça central per sortejar la persona que anava al drac i era devorat per ell.
Un dia, la princesa va ser elegida. El rei estava trist perquè ella era la única descendent  que tenia. La princesa li va dir que volia anar perquè el sorteig així ho va dir.
La princesa va anar a la cova del drac. Ella estava molt espantada. Quan estava a punt de ser menjada, va aparèixer Sant Jordi amb el seu cavall blanc.
Sant Jordi va matar el drac amb la seva llança. De la sang del drac va aparèixer un munt de roses i Sant Jordi li va regalar una rosa a la princesa.

Catalan Idioms...


-Aigua de gener tot l'any va bé.

-Water of January it's good for the whole year.

-Pel Gener no siguis matiner.

-Do not get up early in January

-Pel Gener treu flor l'atmetller

-In January the almond tree makes flowers.

-Al Gener tanca la porta I encén el braser

In January close the door and turn on the brazier.

-L'aigua de Gener ompli el paller

-The water of January fills the barn.


-Pel Febrer abriga't bé

-In February keep warm.

-Sol de febrer mai dura un dia sencer.

-The sun of February never lasts an entire day

-Mes de Febrer mes mentider

-Month of February, liar month.

-Si el febrer riu ,el fred reviu

-If February smiles winter cold is back again

-El febrer avergonyit es tapa la cara I surt de nit

Embarassed February covers its face and leaves at night


-Pel març, els ametllers en flor i el jovent en amor

In March, the almond tree blossoms and young people are in love

Març ventós i abril plujós, fan el maig florit i hermós

Windy rainy March and April, they make May bloom and beautiful.

Març marcedor, nit freda i dia amb calor

March marcedor, cold night and heat during the day

Quan al març trona, l'ametlla és bona

When in March thunders, the almond is good

Aigua de març, herba als sembrats

Water in March, the grass is planted


-A l'abril aigües mil.

-In April thousand waters.

-Per l'abril cada gota val mil.

-In April every drop is worth thousand.

-Abril i senyors tots taïdors

-April and lords all of them traitors.

-Per l'abril llibres i roses mil

-For April , thousands of books and roses

-Rient i plorant l'abril va passant.

-Laughing and Crying April is passing


Al mes de maig, plou de raig a raig.

In May,it rains from ray to ray.

El maig és boig, moltes festes i de pa poc.

May is crazy, many festivals and little bread.

La flor de l’hermosura com la flor de maig dura.

The flower of beauty lasts like the flower of May.

Una flor no fa maig, ni una gota fa raig.

A flower does not  do any May, does not do a drop.

Pluja de maig, collita segura.

Rain  in May, safe crop.


Per Sant Joan, el blat al camp, per Sant Pere, el blat a l'era.

-For St. Joan, the wheat in the field, for St. Pere, the wheat on the street.

Qui de la muntanya es vol enamorar, per Sant Joan ha d'anar.

- Who wants to fall in love with the mountain, on St. Joan he must go there.

Aigua per Sant Joan, celler buit i molta fam.

-Water on St. Joan, empty wine cellar and a lot of hunger.

Els focs de Sant Joan, se salten per davant.

- The fireworks of St. Joan are skipped ahead.

Per Sant Joan garbes al camp.

- On St. Joan sheaves in the field


-El juliol, mes del sol.

-July, month of sun.

-Qui no es banya pel juliol no es banya quan bol.

-Who doesn't have bath in July, he doesn't have a bath when he wants

-Nit de Juliol pluja no vol.

-Night of July , doesn`t want rain

-Pel juliol ni dona ni cargol.

-In July, no woman, no snail.

-Abella de juliol, el cap li dol.

-Bee of July, its head hurts.


Per l'agost, a les set ja és fosc.

In August, at seven it is dark.

No és pot dir oliva, si a l'agost no és eixida

It Can not be called olive , if it is not  out in August

Agost i setembre no duren sempre.

August and  is oil and all is must.

A l'agost, recull el most.

In August, collect the juice.


Al setembre, qui tingui blat, que sembre.

In September who has wheat, seed it.

Setembre assaonat, bolet al prat.

September seasoned, mushroom in the field

Setembre de sequera, bolet a la ombrejada.

September of drought, mushroom in the shaded

Al setembre s'emporta els ponts o asseca les fonts.

In September takes the bridges or dries the sources

Setembre boirós, graner polsós.

September misty, dusty barn.

Diu el pinsà: quan ve l'octubre, quin fred farà.

Finch says: when October comes, what will be cold.

A l'octubre, molt suc i poc bruc.

In October, very little juice and heather.

L'octubre, set llunes cobreix, i si plou, en cobreix nou.

In October, there are seven moons, and if it rains there are nine more.

Si a l'octubre plou, el rovelló mou

If it rains in October, the mushroom moves.

Quan d'octubre està finit, mor la seva mosca i es mosquit.

When October is finite, its fly and mosquito die.


De novembre enllà, agafa la manta i no la deixis estar.

Beyond November, grab a blanket and don’t let it be.

Al novembre, qui no hagi sembrat, que no sembre.

In November, if they haven’t sown, don’t sow

Novembre humit, et farà ric.

Wet November, will make you rich.

Al novembre, cava i sembra.

In November, champagne and sow

Si al novembre trona, la collita serà bona

If it thunders in November, the harvest will be good


 Qui al desembre ha de festejar, vora el foc s'ha de ficar

Who should celebrate in December, the fire must be put

Desembre nevat, bon any per al blat

 Snowy December, good year for the wheat

Boires al desembre, ni pluges ni neus són de setembre.

Foggy in December, no rains and snow there are September.

Desembre mullat, gener ben gelat.

Wet December, freeze January

Al desembre, es gelen les canyes i es couen les castanyes

In December, the rods freezes and the chestnuts fall off.