Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Acts of the presentation of the caps-grossos: Delta i Ebre

Institut Camarles party 16th June at the sports center in l'Aldea
Acts of the presentation of the caps-grossos: Delta i Ebre
  1. Welcome to everybody and especially to the group of “gegants” an “nans” from l'Aldea and the music bands “Verge dels Prats” and “Agrupació musical de Camarles”.
   2. Presentation of the project Party Time.
  1. Photo montage of the proses of creation of the “caps-grossos”.
  2. Presentation of the goodparents Maria Aldea i Josep Ramon, of the “la colla de gegants I nans de L'Aldea”.
  3. Act of presentation of Delta i Ebre: The musical bands “Verge dels Prats” and “Agrupació musical de Camarles” will play together.
  4. Reading of the manifest of the act of presentation by one of the students who made the caps-grossos.
     This document is given to the director of the school.
  1. Dance of “ sardanes” and “jotes” by the students of 3rd of ESO. The musical bands of l'Aldea and Camarles and “La Rondalla l'Aldeana will play the music.
  2. The students and families will offer to everybody typical cakes such as “pastissets” and “coquetes” (made by the students) and “cocs” of different taste ( made by the families)
Estimated duration of the act : from seven o'clock to half past eight in the evening.
Afterwards at nine o'clock there will be the delivery of the “orles” to the students of 4th of ESO and 2nd of BAT hosted and organized by l'AMPA, that will give you the invitation.

Interview to Manel Marquès

1-How did you come the idea of creating these caps-grossos?
It was an idea from Olga, because students of third curs had to do a project named comenius and then we had an idea, it consisted of making a pair of students: a girl and a boy.
2-Where did you get how to build them?
 I know how to build the caps-grossos because when you are licensed on Belles Arts you study paint and sculpture and for that reason I know how to make these caps-grossos.
3-Who proposed the names for Ebre and Delta?
We made a survey to the students of our school to see which ideas they had. And we chose a name that was typicall and poetic in our land. The name was proposed by Aliç (student of second of Bat).
4-What other names were proposed?
 A lot, then with students of aula oberta we chose the most appropiate name.
5-Who has built the caps-grossos?

 Students of aula oberta.
6-Did they enjoy building the caps-grossos?
Yes a lot, it has been a very rewarding experience.
7-Can youexplain the steps you followed to build them?
First we did the sketches to design the caps-grossos to know how the girl and the boy had to be.
Later we did wood (armassó), wire mesh and then we filled it with papers and stones for we can keep clay (approximate 100kg of clay).
When the (armassó) was covered of clay we mold it to obtain shape.
As the shape was finished we did a plaster cast that later we used to make the caps-grossos.
The caps-grossos first had to be of cardboard and paper (matxé), but with a simple hit they could be broken. Because of this we asked to the peace judge of l'Aldea, Fernando Rico, that has got a workshop of chassis and he is also licensed in Belles Arts, to make the caps-grossos with fiberglass.
Eventually, when the caps-grossos have been finished, they are painted first with a plastic painting and finally a last layer with oil painting.
8-How long did you need to build them?
One term.

Interview to Paula Príncep and Dani García
1-Do you think that there was a lot of work making these caps-grossos?
Yes, a little bit.
2-Did you like the experience?
3-Do you like the result?
Yes, a lot.
4-Do you like the names chosen for your caps-grossos?
5-Who of you will bring the caps-grosso the next Saturday (day of the presentation)?
All who wants, because there are people that don't want to bring them.
6-Did you learn some thing of this experience?
Yes, how to work with fiberglass, clay (all the process).

The process of the construction of the caps-grossos: Delta i Ebre

The first thing that the students of “aula oberta” did was the structure of the caps-grossos made of wood, papers, stones and a wire mesh .

After that when they finished the structure they covered it with clay.
When they finished that it is like this:

The next thing that they did was making the shape the head, the hair, the nose...


With a palette knife, a hammer and toothpicks, they improved the shape. They also used water to work better with the clay.

When they had the correct shape made of clay they made a mould with chalk. To make this they divided the caps-grossos into two parts.

After that they covered the mould of chalk with sandpaper. With this material they made the caps-grossos, because it doesn't weigh. When they put the sandpaper on the mould they also covered it with resin, finally on the resin they put catalyst (it make that the resin drought faster)To make that they went to l'Aldea in a workshop, it belongs to Fernando Rico.

 When they finished they joined the two parts. They have finished the structure of the caps-grossos. 

Finally they only have to decorate that.
They painted the caps-grossos first with plastic painting and after with oil painting.
This is the result:


To decided the names of the caps-grossos the teachers gave a survey to the students and their parents. After that they chose the name, they were proposed by Aliç Bertomeu, a student of 2nd of BAT. : Delta I Ebre.

The caps-grossos represent a pair of students.

      EBRE                                            DELTA                                                      

This are the students that made the caps-grossos 
(students of aula oberta)

Tuesday 14th of June: 
Today, the students that make the Party Time (our project) are cooking “pastissets and coquetes” (typical cakes of our lands) to celebrate a party next Saturday in honour to the caps-grossos.
We have prepared all the ingredients and the materials that we need to cook the cakes. And after when we had all these things we divided the class into two groups ( the first group made the “pastissets” and the second group made the “coquetes”.)
  • Pastissets:
We prepared the pastry of the cakes and then we made a chain of people to make the work faster (into the groups one person made the portions, another person crushed the portions, a third person put on the portions the pumpkin and the last put the “pastissets” on the baking tray).
  • Coquetes:
The second group made the “coquetes”. First they put the pastry on the table, with groups like the other part of the class (that made the “pastissets”).One person with moulds of different shapes made the coquetes and other person put its in a baking tray.
Finally we have a lot of cakes, we only have to put it in a bakery.
These are the “pastissets and coquetes” that we have made today.


 Nerea Favà and Pili Forcadell

1 comment:

  1. I am very sorry for this comment being very late. The two posts about the festival and the patissets are amazing. The English is very good and the pictures are fantastic. I miss you all and hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year :)
