Dancing in the Moonlight


There are dancing balls outdoors and indoors...
The people of the town gathe at different places, to dance different styles of dancing.
Different types:

-Balloom dance

Ballroom dance refers to a set of parter dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world. 



(double-step) Is a typical dance from Spain march-like musica style as well as the corresponding dance style danced by a couple. 


-Country dance

The term "Country Dance" was first coined in print by John Playford of London in 1651. It is a generic term for a social dance form in which two or more couples dance together in a set. 
Country dancing is generally recognised to be a form of folk dance, that is a traditional dance of the people, it should be clearly understood that it is a dance for participation rather than demonstration.
* Its participatory nature sets country dancing apart from folk dance dance forms such as Clogging- which is primarily demonstration dancing. 
Shawms and sackbuts or the bagpipe were popular instruments for outdoor dancing because of their loudness. 


-Tango dance

Tango dance originated in the area of the Rio de la Plata (which is between Argentina and Uruguay), and spread to the rest of the world soon after. Tango is a dance from European and African culture.. Initially it was just one of the many dances, but it soon became popular throughout society, as theatres and street barrel organs spread it from the suburbs to the working-class slums, which were packed with hundreds of thousands of European immigrants, primarily Italians, Spanish and French.


-Salsa dance

Salsa is a Latin dance form with origins from the Cuban Son. It is generally associated with the salsa music style, although it may be danced under other types of Latin music. Salsa is a popular social dance throughout Latin America as well as in North America, Europe, Australia, and some countries in Asia and the Middle East.


by: Maria,Gabriela,Joana and Montse.

Marilén Ozaéz Martí.

How long have you sung?  I have sung since I was 16 years old.

How long have you been singing professionally? I have been singing for 8 years.

Have you always sung in the same band? No, I haven’t. I have sung in more bands, for example: Pensylvania and differents groups of bands.

Do You work in something else? Yes, I work in an insurance company.

Have you got time for you? I have little time for me.  

What is your life like? I combined studies and band.

Do you have a hobby? My hobby is music and  animals.

Thank you for your attention!

The orchestra

The orchestra is a group of people, in which each one devotes himself to play a different instrument, and there is also someone who sings. The singers are normally women, but there are also men who sing. They play different types of music, for example a Pasodoble... Normally they begin with music for the old people, and end with music for young people. 


It is a card, which serves to enter to the festivities free, but you have to pay for then 30 € approximately.  Retired people and young children pay less. Inside this card are included the following festivities: end of year, Carnival, san Juan and festivities of Carmen.  


The Palcos are lines painted on the ground with a number for each group of friends. This place is permanent for all the festivities in this town. If someone does not like the “palco” that he has, he can switch to another, but both must agree. If someone occupies the “palco”  does not belong to them,  they will go to tell them to go out politely.


-Quin càrrec ocupes a l’Ajuntament?
-What role do you hold in the town hall?
- Jo sóc regidor de festes d’esport i vicepresident del patró de turisme d’esports.
-I'm the festivals counsellor and vice presidents of the board of tourism and sports in l’Ampolla.
-Com et vas introduïr a l’Ajuntament?
-How have you been introduced in the town hall?´
-Fa uns 9 o 10 anys, l’alcalde que hi ha actualment que estava de regidor de festes d’esports em va proposar portar el futbol base i d’aqui vaig pasar a patronat de turisme portant els esports, i despres em vaig convertir en regidor de festes.
-About 9 or 10 years ago, the present mayor was the festivals esports counsellor, and he asked me if I wanted to be a festivals counsellor.
-Quants anys fa que treballes dins de l’Ajuntament?
-How many years have you worked in the town hall?
-Fa 10 anys que treballo a l’ajuntament, com a regidor de festes un any.
- I have been working in the town hall for 10 years , and this year I have started to be the festivals counsellor.
- Quins estudis es necessiten per ser regidor de festes? Quins són?
-What studies do you need to work in the town hall? What kind of studies do you need?
-Crec que no es necessita cap estudi en concret per ser regidor de festes, només els coneixements bàsics.
- I think you don’t need any study, but you have to know the basic studies
-Costa molt organitzar les festes? Com les organitzes?
-Is the festivals organitzation very complicated? How do you organize it?
-Sí que ho es, perque ens em d’encarregar de molts detalls.
-Yes it is, because I'm taking into account all the small details.
-Per quants membres està formada la comissió de festes? Com repartiu els càrrecs?
-How many members has the festivals comission? How do you distribute the roles?
-Esta formada per 12 persones. Cada persona te un tema, però hi ha desicions que es fan conjuntament.
-This includes 12 people. Each person has a role, but there are decisions that are made jointly.
-Estas agust amb el teu càrrec?
-Are you comfortable with your role?
-Sí, molt!
-Yes I'm a lot.
-Creus que estaràs molts més anys exercint aquest càrrec?
-Do you think that you’ll be many years in this role?
- No ho se.
-I don’t know.
-A quin any vas començar a ser regidor de festes? Per quin motiu has passat a ser-ho tu?
-What year did you start to work in the town hall? Why are you doing this role?
- Fa un any que ho soc.
- I started being the festivals councillor a year ago.
-A que et dedicaves avans de ser regidor de festes?
-What were you doing before this role in the town hall?
-Jo no em guanyo la vida sent regidor de festes, sóc agent comercial.
- I do not make my living being a councilor of parties, I'm a commercial agent
-Confies en la possibilitat de arribar a un càrrec superior de l’Ajuntament?
-Do you think that you can occupy a superior role in the town hall?
-No, no ho crec.
-No, I don’t think this.
-T’agradaria canviar d’ofici?
-Would you like changing the job?
-No, si sóc regidor de festes es perque m’agrada ajudar a la gent.
- No, I'm a Councillor festivities because I like helping people.
-T’imaginaves ser regidor de festes quan erets petit?
-Did you imagine doing this role in the town hall when you were little?
-No, mai. Ni quan era petit ni fa 3 anys.
-No, I didn’t. I didn’t imagine this when I was little.
-Tens algun treball a part de regidor de festes?
-Do you have another job?
- Sí, sóc agent comercial.
-yes, I am a commercial agent.
-Quantes hores treballes?
-How many hours do you work?
-Dedico massa hores, la meva dona es queixa bastant.
-I dedicate excessive hours, my wife complains quite a lot.
-Que fas en el teu temps lliure?
-What do you do in your free time?
-En el poc temps que tinc, faig bicicleta de montanya, submarinisme I a l’hivern m’agrada esquiar.
-In The little time I have, I ride a mountain bike, I do scuba diving, and in winter I like skiing
-Tens algun hobby?
-Have you got a hobby?
- Doncs el submarinisme, esquiar i fer bicicleta de montanya.
- scuba diving, ski and ride mountain biking.
-Com et compagines la teva feina amb la teva vida personal?
-How do you combine your work with your personal life?
-Costa molt sent regidor de festes, compaginar la teva vida personal en la de l’Ajuntament.
- Being a festivals councilor is difficult and, combined with my personal life more.
-Per ser pubilla has d’estar empatronada a l’Ampolla durant uns anys, quants exactament?
-If you want to be a heiresses, how many years you have to be registered in l’Ampolla?
-Per ser pubilla exactament no es necessari estar-hi empatronada, qualsevol noia que estigui vivint a l’Ampolla ho pot ser.
- to be a heiresses is not necessary to be registered, any girl that is livies in Ampolla can be.

-Una nena que no és de l’Ampolla però esta empatronada durant aquests anys a l’Ampolla, pot arribar a ser pubilla reina?
-If one girl isn’t from l’Ampolla, but she has registered in l’Ampolla these years, can she be a heiress queen?
-Per ser pubilla reina es necessari estar empatronada 5 anys
- To be a heiress it is necessary to be registred for 5 years.
-Hi ha conflictes en aquest tema?
- Are there any conflicts about this topic?
- no, no there aren’t.
-Per què les pubilles són sempre als 18 i 8 anys?
-Why are the heiresses always 8 and 18 years old?
-Es per tradició.
-it’s for tradition
-Com elegiu a qui representarà cada pubilla?
How do you choose who represents each heiress?
-Cada entitat tria la pubilla.
- Each entity chooses the hiresees.
-Feu algun tipus d’aportació económica per a les families de les nenes que són pubilles?
-Are there any economic donation for the heiresses’ families?
-L’Ajuntamen ajuda una mica amb el ram de flors,… I l’entitat tambe ajuda a les families.
- the town hall help some a little with bouquet and the entity also helps the families.
-Feu algun sopar de pubilles quan s’acaven festes?
- Is there a dinner for the heiresses when the festivals finish?
-No, el que fan les pubilles es anar a dinar a un restaurant el dia de pa amb oli.
- no, the heiresses go to have lunch in the restaurant in l’Ampolla on panoli’s day.

-Com organitzeu el programa de festes?
-How do you organize festival agenda?
-Busquem les orquestres, despres anem mirant que tot baige bé, i així en el rest del programa de festes.
-We look for bands then we check that everything goes well, and so the rest of the festival program.

-Per quin motiu obriu la piscina municipal tan tard?
-Why do you open the swimming pool late?
-Creiem que es millor obrir-la despres de festes, ja que avans de festes hi ha col·legi, i el que em decidit es obrir-la despres de festes.
- We believe it is better to open after the festivals because before there is school, and I have decided to open after the festivities.
-Com manteniu el poli esportiu?
-How do you hold the sports center?
-La brigada municipal sencarrega d’unes coses, i entre tots. Aprofito per demanar la col·laboració de la gent de l’Ampolla, per a mantindre les instal·lación netes, perque em trobat gent que menja pipes i agraïriem que la gent no ho fes.
- The municipal brigade assumes responsibility for some things, and all between. I take the advantage to request the cooperation of the people from l'Ampolla, to keep the facilities clean, because I found people who ate sunflower seeds and appreciate that people do not do it.
-Com és que està tant malament el camp de futbol?
-Why is the football pitch so bad?
- Perque es una instal·lació antiga, i la nostra intenció es reformar-lo, pero com sabeu hi ha una crisis molt important i no hi han diners.
-Because it is an old installation, and our intention is to reform it, but as you know there is a very important crisis and we haven’t money.

-Per tot el poble heu posat zona blava, per què ho heu fet?
- Around the town there is a blue area, why did you do it?
-Perque l’Ampolla es un poble turistic, i el mes de juriol i agost be molta gent que el que fa es aparcar el cotxe i no el trau fins al cap d’un mes. LLavor em pensat que seria bo dinamitzar aquesta zona. Creiem que pot creat conflictes, però ho em fet en tota la intenció del món.
- Because l'Ampolla is a tourist town, and in the months of August and July there are many people who don’t take the car in the car park for a month. Then I thought that it would revitalize the area. We believe that conflicts can be created, but we didn’t intend to.
-La gent està dacord? O en contra?
-Do the people agree? Or are they against?
-Hi ha gent en contra, i gent a favor.
- There are people against it, and others who agree.
-Si no dóna resultat ho canviareu?
-If it is unsuccessful will you change it?
- Mirarem com va la cosa
- We ‘ll see how things are going
-Heu pensat mai de ficar més festes per als joves? Per quin motiu no feu tantes festes per les nits?
-Do you think you’ll make more parties in l’Ampolla? Why do not you do more parties in l’Ampolla?
-Aquest any hi ha 2 discoteques mòbil, i les festes de l’Ampolla són molt curtes, ademes tenim la Mediterrania que durant tot l’estiu està oberta.
-This year there are 2 mobile discos and parties from l'Ampolla are very short,moreover we have that the Mediterranean is open throughout the summer.
-Perquè començen tant tard les festes de nit?
-Why do the night parties start so late?
-Aquet any no començen tard, a canviat. Aixo sí, s’acavaran a les 6 del matí
-This year we won’t start so late, all is changed. However, we’ll finish at 6 am.
-Que agrada més als nens? Els inflables o els pallassos?
-What do the children prefer? The inflatable castles or the clowns?
- A els més petits els hi agradaran més els pallassos, I als més grans els inflables.
- children love most clowns, and the elder ones prefer the inflatable.
-Són iguals els pallassos d’ara que els d’avans?
- Are the same the clowns now than before?
-No, tot a canviat.
- No, everything is changed.
-Perquè aquest any es fa bou capllaçat i els altres anys no?
-Why are they celebrating bull capllaçat in 2012 and not in the past years?
-Aquet any em decidit tornar-ho a fer, pensem que es una festa bonica.
- This year we decided to do it again, we think it is a beautiful party.
-Heu tingut que llevar actes per fer-ho?
-Have you had to remove other events to do it?
-No, no em llevat cap acte.
-No, I haven’t removed any events.
-Que li agrada mes a la gent,el bou capllaçat o el bou embolat?
-What do they like most: the afternoon bull’s or bull embolat?
-No ho se.
-I don’t know.
-Ara que estem en crisis, fareu un preu més econòmic per al ball?
-Is there a special discount now that we are in a difficult economical situation?
- El preu a baixat en algunes nits, menys a les nits de les pubilles
- The price is lower at some nights, except for the heiresses nights.

-Preu de l’orquestra més barata
-Price for the cheapest orchestra
- The cheapest orchestra price is of 3.000 €.
-Preu de l’orquestra més cara
-Price of most expensive orchestra
-The most expensive orchestra is of 8.000€.
-Preu dels bous
-Price of bulls
-The price of the bulls is between 11.000 and 12.000 €.
-Preu de la xaranga
-Xaranga Price
-The xaranga Price is 3.500 €
-Contractació de pallassos
-Clown hiring
-The price of hiring clowns are between 800 and 1.000 €.
-Focs artificials
- fireworks
- The price of fireworks is from 5.000 €
-inflables d’aigua
-Inflatable water castles
-The price of the inflatable water castles is 900 €
-Inflatable castles
-Ens la regalen
-It’s free.
-Festes per a joves
-festivals for young people
- 5.000
- The price of young festivals in 5000 €


Montse, Maria, Gabriela and Joana.